: Je suis d'accord.


Solo Art Showcase
Date: 1 ‒ 30 June 2022
Venue: Sally Coco, TST, Hong Kong

To celebrate Pride Month, BIKUTA MALAMIA has teamed up with @sallystoy , the first gender-friendly sex shop in Hong Kong, to hold an art showcase titled <<:Je suis d'accord.>> at the Tsim Sha Tsui store, featuring six paintings with the themes of mirrors and plants.

為了響應同志驕傲月活動,BIKUTA MALAMIA 與香港首間性 別友善的性商店 Sally coco 攜手合作,於尖沙咀店放置以 <<:Je suis d’accord.>> 為主題的畫作,六幅畫作皆以鏡子和植物作媒介。

The title of art showcase <<:Je suis d'accord.>> means "I am OK". No matter how the outside world defines you, believe in your own choices, define who you are by yourself, accept and embrace your innate charac- teristics and say "I am OK" to yourself constantly, face your truest radi- ance bravely and lead a unique and wonderful life. Through this solo art showcase, BIKUTA MALAMIA wants to promote the theme of gender diversity and encourage the LGBT community not to limit their true selves or hide their true colours that could have shined due to the ‘boundaries’ of their inborn gender and society’s stereotypes of the gender, but to face their true nature.

畫作主題名為 <<Je suis d’accord >> 意思是「 I am OK 」 。不論外界的定義是怎樣,相信自己的選擇,由自己定義自己是 誰,接受自己與生俱來的特質,無時無刻都跟自己說一句「I am OK 」,勇敢地面對自己最真實的光芒,活出獨特精彩的一 頁。BIKUTA MALAMIA 主理人想藉是次作品推廣性別多元性 主題,同時鼓勵 LGBT 群體勇於面對真正的自己,不要因為天生 性別的界限及社會既定的目光而規限了自己的真實一面,抹殺了 自己本可發光發亮的特質。